Vestibular Oculomotor Rehab for Concussion

Relationship between your eyes and inner ear

After a concussion many experience a variety of symptoms related to their vestibular and oculomotor systems including balance problems, dizziness, double or blurred vision, headaches and nausea.

The goal of rehabilitation is to

  1. Correct vestibular disequilibrium
  2. Improve brain’s ability to control eye movement, focusing and processing
  3. Improve precision of sensory inputs
  4. Desensitization to provocative stimuli

Nerves that supply eye muscles are susceptible to injury after a concussion. We use a variety of tests to assess your ability to follow a target, move your gaze between points, maintain vision while eyes move together and change focus between distant and near objects

Your inner ear (vestibular system) and your eyes work together to maintain balance and equilibrium. If they are providing your brain with different information, it can lead to dizziness.

Treatment includes

  1. exercises to strengthen and increase the endurance of eye muscles, motor control and accuracy
  2. exercises are progressed by increasing speed or duration

Gradually your system with either adapt or habituate to exercises which will improve your tolerance

Vestibular Oculomotor Rehab for Concussion

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